Seychelles weather map

The weather in most locations in Seychelles today is expected to be warmer than yesterday, with average temperatures ranging from 24.65°C to 26.8°C.

Weather forecast for major cities in Seychelles

Location Forecast Now Min Max Chance of rain
Bel Ombre Light Rain 24.78° 23.88° 25° 75%
Anse Boileau Light Rain 26.26° 25.36° 26.45° 78%
Cascade Light Rain 26.12° 25.21° 26.32° 76%
Beau Vallon Light Rain 26.46° 25.56° 26.68° 74%
Takamaka Light Rain 26.53° 25.64° 26.67° 81%
Anse Royale Light Rain 26.65° 25.75° 26.83° 79%
Port Glaud Light Rain 24.81° 23.91° 25.02° 76%
Mont Buxton Light Rain 26.08° 25.18° 26.31° 74%
Saint Louis Light Rain 25.95° 25.05° 26.19° 72%
Anse Etoile Light Rain 25.54° 24.64° 25.77° 73%
Au Cap Light Rain 25.8° 24.9° 25.99° 78%
Baie Lazare Light Rain 26.03° 25.12° 26.2° 80%
Baie Sainte Anne Light Rain 26.48° 26.19° 26.78° 45%
Bel Air Light Rain 24.65° 23.75° 24.86° 75%
Les Mamelles Light Rain 25.05° 24.15° 25.26° 76%
Glacis Light Rain 25.4° 24.51° 25.65° 72%
Grand Anse Mahe Light Rain 26.05° 25.15° 26.25° 77%
Grand Anse Praslin Light Rain 26.26° 25.96° 26.56° 46%
La Digue Light Rain 25.41° 25.18° 25.75° 46%
Mont Fleuri Light Rain 25.84° 24.94° 26.06° 75%
Plaisance Light Rain 24.88° 23.98° 25.09° 75%
Pointe Larue Light Rain 26.72° 25.82° 26.93° 76%
Roche Caiman Light Rain 26.8° 25.9° 27.02° 75%
English River Light Rain 26.65° 25.75° 26.87° 74%
Anse aux Pins Light Rain 26.28° 25.38° 26.49° 77%
Outer Islands Light Rain 25.7° 25.2° 25.88° 67%

Frequently asked questions

What is the weather right now in Seychelles?

As of now, the weather in major cities in Seychelles varies:
- In Roche Caiman, the temperature is around 26.8°C (80.24°F), with Light Rain.
- In Bel Air, the current temperature is about 24.65°C (76.37°F) Light Rain.

What type of climate zone is Seychelles?

Most cities in Seychelles are classified within the Tropical rainforest climate zone (Köppen: Af).

Where is the hottest place in Seychelles today?

Roche Caiman is the hottest place in Seychelles right now with the daily high temperature reaching 26.8°C or 80.24°F, followed by Pointe Larue (26.72°C/80.1°F), Anse Royale (26.65°C/79.97°F) and English River (26.65°C/79.97°F).

What is the coldest place in Seychelles right now?

Bel Air is the coldest place in Seychelles right now, with average temperatures hovering around 24.65 °C or 76.37 °F.